
Due to the number of files changed, the developer highly recommends that you perform a full reinstall of the script to ensure everything works smoothly!


  • Pay with mechanic society fund if using self-service menu (as an employee)

  • Option to not pay for an mechanic order (as an employee)

  • Auto refunds player if deleting an order


  • Bulletproof tyres now, like actually, exists as an option under "Tyres" (sorry)

  • Fix bug where removing stance would display $0 but charge player

  • Admin perms are now based on the ace "command" group and don't use the QB/ESX functions (fixes line 16 sv-functions.lua issue)

  • Fix bug where servicing damage has no effect on vehicle

  • Fix bug where low engine oil would have no effect on vehicle

  • Fix bug where wheel rims would change in some cases

  • Fix bug where neons, xenons & tyre smoke colours would not stick

  • Extras bools are now flipped around so not enabled when disabled

  • Fix bug where boats & planes would cause a stancing-related error message

  • Fix bug where turbocharging would not stick when applied via tablet

  • Fix bug where suspension height would change when applying modifications via a tablet order

  • Fix bug where tablet prop would stay in hands during installation minigames


Some minor locale additions:

noPayment = "No Payment",
deleteOrderConfirmation = "Deleting this order will refund the customer in full, even if the order is partially fulfilled. Are you sure you want to delete it?",
cannotStanceVehicleType = "You can only stance cars",


No config changes!

Changed Files

  • client/cl-dyno.lua

  • client/cl-handling.lua

  • client/cl-minigames.lua

  • client/cl-mods.lua

  • client/cl-nitrous.lua

  • client/cl-orders.lua

  • client/cl-servicing.lua

  • client/cl-stancer.lua

  • client/cl-tablet.lua

  • client/cl-tuning.lua

  • client/cl-vehicleprops.lua

  • framework/sv-functions.lua

  • install/inventory/qb-core-items.lua

  • install/inventory/quasar-inventory-items.lua

  • server/sv-mods.lua

  • server/sv-orders.lua

  • web (entire folder)

  • locales (translations modified)

Last updated