
This guide is for v2 only. Brazzers-FakePlate is integrated by default in v3! This article will be removed shortly after the release of v3.

This code was provided to us by IgnoranceIsBliss.

This code has been tested and works. It requires some code editing for garages and relies on ox-lib.

Step 1. Download the latest releases of ox-lib and Brazzers-FakePlate if you do not have them!

Step 2. Modifiy the shared_scripts Section of the Garage's fxmanifest.lua

Replace the section with the one below.

shared_scripts {'config.lua', 'locales/*.lua', '@ox_lib/init.lua', 'main.lua', 'framework/main.lua'}

Step 3. Edit The Framework.Client.GetPlate Function in 'Framework/cl-functions.lua'

Replace the GetPlate Section with below.

function Framework.Client.GetPlate(vehicle)
  if Config.Framework == "QBCore" then
    local plate = QBCore.Functions.GetPlate(vehicle)
    local originalPlate = lib.callback.await('brazzers-fakeplates:getPlateFromFakePlate', false, plate)
    if originalPlate then plate = originalPlate end
    return plate
  elseif Config.Framework == "ESX" then
    return ESX.Game.GetVehicleProperties(vehicle).plate

Step 4. Modify the jg-advancedgarages:client:TakeOutVehicle:config Event in 'config-cl.lua'

Add the below code to the event

local fakePlate = lib.callback.await('brazzers-fakeplates:getFakePlateFromPlate', false, vehicleDbData.plate)
    if fakePlate then SetVehicleNumberPlateText(vehicle,fakePlate) end

Step 5. Add The Following to config-sv.lua

lib.callback.register('brazzers-fakeplates:getPlateFromFakePlate', function(source, fakeplate)
    local result = MySQL.scalar.await('SELECT plate FROM player_vehicles WHERE fakeplate = ?', {fakeplate})
    if result then
        return result

lib.callback.register('brazzers-fakeplates:getFakePlateFromPlate', function(source, plate)
    local result = MySQL.scalar.await('SELECT fakeplate FROM player_vehicles WHERE plate = ?', {plate})
    if result then
        return result

Step 6. Modify the Vehicle Key Functions to recognize the Fake Plate

Find Framework.Client.VehicleGiveKeys(plate, vehicleEntity) and add the below code after if not DoesEntityExist(vehicleEntity) then return false end

 local fakePlate = lib.callback.await('brazzers-fakeplates:getFakePlateFromPlate', false, plate)
  if fakePlate then plate = fakePlate end

Do the Same for Framework.Client.VehicleRemoveKeys(plate, vehicleEntity)

local fakePlate = lib.callback.await('brazzers-fakeplates:getFakePlateFromPlate', false, plate)
  if fakePlate then plate = fakePlate end

Last updated